Cheap Fitted Pack N Play Sheet - Teddy Patch 123 - Made In USA Review
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We bought this quilted sheet in Babies R Us for our Graco pack n play without reading the reviews. While the sheet was washing, I checked on the reviews and got worried on the negative ones, I feared my quilted sheet would shrink or would make the mattress "buckle" like one reviewer have said. I'm glad mine didn't have any problems at all. My sheet turned out well, I even dried it on medium setting. I used this quilted sheet as an additonal mattress layer and covered it up with the thinner Graco sheet. It really made a difference, it made the primary pack n play mattress/board softer. I have both blue and beige color - both fit very well with my baby's Graco pack n play. We have washed these more than 5x now and have used these item(s) for more than a month now, still no shrinking, no problems here so far...
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